Wednesday, June 26, 2013


So last night I downloaded and started up a pixel game called 'Lisa.' At first, I didn't really expect it to be all that scary.

Headcanons started popping up in my mind ever since I got to the living room of the house the game starts in, but they're pretty obvious if you take a look at the screenshots above.
If not, a girl named Lisa spends most of her time in her room, mainly because of her father, Marty. Some time before the game takes place, Marty killed his wife (Lisa's mother) and began to beat and rape Lisa (there are multiple implications of rape throughout the game).

I don't want to post too many screenshots of the game. That would be like spoiling it.
Needless to say, this game made my stomach turn. If you're O.K with a surreal game that has implied rape and vomit, I'd recommend 'Lisa.'

Friday, May 24, 2013

So I read some manga by Junji Ito... (With some light spoilers)

I've read "Flesh Colored Horror," "Tomie," "Uzumaki," and "Falling" by Junji Ito because I've been wanting to read a horror manga, and also because I ran out of horror games that were really scary to watch some people on YouTube play.

Good gosh. The parts that were supposed to be scary almost made me want to throw up- which is what I want when reading horror.
Flesh Colored Horror (Chapter/Story 6)

I like to read horror a little bit more than watching horror because I can get scared without all the jumpscares. In my opinion, jumpscared are kind of cheap ways to scare people. If there's a loud noise and something that pops up that isn't actually scary, I would only freak out because of the noise.
Tomie (Chapter 7-14)

 My conclusion?
Junji Ito gave me some trust issues because he looks so sweet and innocent but his art and stories are the most terrifying things.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Library books in OFF by Mortis Ghost

So I was looking at the 'picture' file in the OFF folder today and came across that one page with the faded out words.
Yeah those pages

I found out I could use Paint to see the words by using the paint bucket on the background, and the result:
The second page is still a bit faded but oh well

That's the coolest thing I have ever done.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Suddenly last day of school

Aw yes. After 170 days (I missed 10 days, mostly because I was sick) of school, it's finally over! Can't wait to be able to sleep in late and go to bed whenever I want (unless I’m told otherwise). Although, when the vacation is over, I’m not quite sure what I’ll do in school. I’m probably going to be the same socially awkward penguin, which is what I’ve always been. Hopefully I’ll actually get into a related arts class that I didn’t take already, I really want to get into art. I haven’t gotten an art class since elementary school, and I really miss it.

 I'm going to spend my vacation on the internet, playing Yume Nikki, and eventually visit some relatives and go to New York and Washington D.C.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What if Freak the Mighty had an extra chapter?

I'm pretty sure everyone has wondered what would happen if a book had an extra chapter. So why not write one with Freak the Might? It was the latest book I've read, after all. Just like in the book, I'm going to write it in Max's point of view.


Chapter 26
Everyone is a Bird

      I was alone, and I stayed that way for months. I read the dictionary almost all the time, and remembered so much. One thing I remember the most is how Freak made everything into an adventure, but still even after all that, I'm lying on the attic's floor at home, since at the time I didn't want to go in the down under like how I used to. Shouldn't I be outside pretending everything is an adventure like how Freak would do? I just didn't have any ideas, I guess my imagination kind of went blank. Still, there was nothing to do, and the attic wasn't going to make me feel better about myself, so went outside.

     It took hours to get to where the fair used to be, since it was a little dark by the time I got there, and when I left it was still day time. No one was around, the only things that were birds just walking around. I made it to where the fireworks used to be, a place that had a good memory, where I let Freak on my shoulders to be able to see the fireworks. I watched the birds for no reason, I guess I was bored enough to do that. I noticed one thing about one of the birds, it had only one leg, and it was away from the rest.

     "I know I shouldn't keep thinking I'm alone, when there's someone out there who has it worse than me," I didn't even know why I said that. I just did without thinking, I guess. "I'm not strong. I only look like me lame excuse for a dad," words came out of my mouth again. For a little while, I had no confidence that I was actually worth anything, but then I looked over at the one-legged bird again. The bird was staring straight at me, like it understood me or something. But I felt differently about myself when the bird and I had eye contact. Everything was alright after all,  guess.


Man that was lame. I need to come up with better ideas....

Freak the Mighty Critique


Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick is about two friends, Max and Kevin, who have to overcome many difficulties such as bullying. To help deal with their problems, they become companions. Max gives Kevin legs, since he has to use crutches to get around, and Kevin gives Max a brain, since he couldn’t understand and/or pronounce certain words and therefore couldn’t read well. At first, the two were called by their nicknames. Max was called Kicker for his personality as a child, and Kevin was called Freak for the same reason.

I really did like the foreshadowing. Although I didn’t quite catch on to some of them, they were actually enjoyable to read. Another feature I liked was the emotion. It was easier to understand how Max felt since it was in first person, plus, if the book was in third person there would have to be way more description in it. I also liked how the setting was in a place that was small and everyone knew each other, because everyone knew Max because of how he looked.

I wasn’t actually in school when everyone read the book since I’ve been sick, so I might not be able to explain very well. I think Philbrick should’ve explained how Max’s father got out of jail, since it was said he was in jail for the life. However, I have heard a life sentence in jail was 20 years, but then again I might have heard that incorrectly. Another feature that I think could’ve been improved was that there possibly could have been some symbolism, it would have been a neat feature, but since the book is supposed be relatable symbolism could have been minor, since symbolism usually isn’t around unless it’s coincidental or someone actually in the story did it on purpose. I guess allusion would’ve been neat, too, so basically it’s the same deal as symbolism.

This is one of the stories I have to process for a second in order to believe something that’s in the end. It’s basically me seeing how things actually are in certain games like The Witch’s House by Fummy and OFF by Mortis Ghost.