Wednesday, June 26, 2013


So last night I downloaded and started up a pixel game called 'Lisa.' At first, I didn't really expect it to be all that scary.

Headcanons started popping up in my mind ever since I got to the living room of the house the game starts in, but they're pretty obvious if you take a look at the screenshots above.
If not, a girl named Lisa spends most of her time in her room, mainly because of her father, Marty. Some time before the game takes place, Marty killed his wife (Lisa's mother) and began to beat and rape Lisa (there are multiple implications of rape throughout the game).

I don't want to post too many screenshots of the game. That would be like spoiling it.
Needless to say, this game made my stomach turn. If you're O.K with a surreal game that has implied rape and vomit, I'd recommend 'Lisa.'

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